What are the features of Mukesh Ambani's house Antilia?

  • Meaning: Antilia is named after Antilles- an archipelago . It is a private residence of Mukesh Ambani -the richest Indian tycoon.
  • Location: It is on Altamount Road in Cumballa Hill in Mumbai, Maharashtra,India
  • Most expensive: It is considered as the most expensive private residence in entire world. Well, it is valued nearly (2 -3 billion dollars ).
  • Interiors: It has around 27 floors with extra ceilings. Each floor serves a specific function- drawing rooms, kitchens, recreational rooms, prayer rooms,swimming pool ,ball rooms and so on
  • Helipad: It has three exclusive helipads; but government has not cleared them because of certain security and legal issues .
  • Staff: There are around 600 employees serving Ambani household. They are well trained and well paid .
  • Privacy: Well, like all Indian families; Ambani household prefers to spend their private moments together .
  • Parties: Antilia is known for its grand parties . Well, Ambani household is strictly vegetarian and teetotaler; thus guests are generally served vegetarian -generally Gujarati -food and non alcoholic beverages
  • Hard work :Mukesh Ambani has been part of incredible journey of Reliance started by his father late Dhirubhai Ambani .
  • He has seen many ups and downs faced by his business empire and family.
  • Publicity: Well, business journalists believe that it is Mukesh Ambani’s way to convey to business world that he has arrived on his own terms
  • Personally, he is too spiritual minded with a simple heart but with a knack of making money .
  • Conclusion: Home is where heart is ! : Elvis Presley
  • Pic credit: Google
  • Note: Kindly appreciate it without taking offence !


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