Are celebs in America treated as celebs like in India?

But, I hear the public hardly bothers the celebs as they does not want to invade celeb’s privacy. I agree that some people are crazy over them but that is nowhere compared to how celebs are treated in India.
People over America feel to watch the movie ASAP out of curiosity but in here watching FDFS (First Day First Show) of your favorite actor’s movie is a must have prestige trend according to a certain majority. People will over pay 10x times illegally for that ticket.
In India people absolutely glorify them and even worship him. You want to how crazy? Just look at the below images,
The below ritual is used to worship Hindu Gods. A camphor is lit and placed on top of a coconut then circled in front of the face of the God’s usually.
This is usual scenes of a first day in a theater that is releasing a star’s movies.
Pouring milk on the idol is also a ritual performed for the Hindu Gods.
Again the same thing.
The woman standing beside the middle one is his wife. She is not an actor.
Even people offer free food and beverages on the birthday of those movie stars with their own hard-earned money.
Now answer me, Are celebs in America treated as celebs like in India?


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